

            Indonesia as a multicultural nation has many tribes. According to the data of census in 2000 by BPS, there are over 300 ethnic groups that spread around the world. Java tribe is the biggest tribe in Indonesia with population reach 41% of the total population. Every ethnic, has its own term to classify the society. For example, Karaeng, Daeng and Andi as noblemen  from Makassar. Priyayi (blue blood), Raden Mas and Raden from java and etc. All of the terminologies to classify people have their own history to be accepted in society.
            it is believed that, nobility title has historical value for giving to people. Only the generation of king, or hero who gets the title. In Bugis tribe for instance, “andi” will be given automatically to children if the parents are “andi” as well. The title will continue for all generations if they can keep it by marrying with the same noble couple. In this term, people prefer to say that “ we have to keep the nobility title because it is the historical remain. It reminds us about the struggle of our hero in the past “.
            However, in a real context of life, nobility title does not have a sacral value anymore. It is given not only for the generation of the hero or nobleman but also the one who has big influence in society. For example, Mr. A does not have historical line as nobleman in his family, but he is the richest man in his environment. As a result, people will call him as “ raden mas, andi, karaeng, opu, etc “.  Moreover, many people use their nobility title to do nepotism, discrimination and even despotism.
            In conclusion, the title is not just the way it is but people create it to get a special treatment In the society. Whether noblemen or common society should  portray their status in a big stage of life to harmonize the world.

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