The Deity Problem Of Jesus Christ
by: saddam husain
Jesus or prophet Isa a.s. in Islam name is one of the most influential figures for human being. His life was very mysterious with the result that there so many books which talk about him and record about his hystory. Such as Bibel, Holy qur’an, canon and apokrifas the main sources for people to write the history about him for example “ the mystery of historical jesus ( loay fatoohy )”. Whether islam or Christianity believe that jesus is the messangger of god, eventhough the last one has a different view about it. In fact, the speculations of Jesus’ existance have created the ongoing debates for centuries, this is because of the deity problem of the son of Maria.
It has been claimed that jesus is a God. There is a reason to support this belife. In trinity docthrin, especially in Athanasius credo ( read A hystory of God: 4.000-year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, page:175-211) believed that this world had been created from nothing (creatio ex nihilo). The world was understood as creature, so it must be dirty, brittle, and even useless as the result jesus as the guidence is not the creature but he is the holy essence as well as God to share the compassion for human being. In a simple analogy, the deity of Jesus could be understood as god in triangle form, the substnce of triangle is only one but it has three points, every point is bound each other in one substance.
However, there are many strong arguments against the thinking of the deity. Such as the Arius concept about the different essence beetwen god and Jesus, and the Tauhid teaching in Islam. Arius as one of the expert in christology in the 3rd century believed that jesus is the creature as just the others are. Jesus is the holy human because he is the messanger of God to teach human about the the way of life and become the role model in relationship. He must be creature so that men can follow him as a guidance to understand the absolute truth. Furthermore, in a triangel analogy, where the God may come in three forms is very confusing and even unplausible because the holiness of God should be separated from the dirty of the world whereas when the god comes in human form, he must touch the dirty of world. Moreover, Jesus himself declared that he is weaker than God.
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