Indonesia's 2013 curriculum

Written by : syaddham husain
The minister of education and culture of Indonesia, Muhammad Nuh takes a new regulation to repair Indonesia’s educational quality through a new curriculum. There is ongoing debate in Indonesia at this 3 last months because of  “2013 curriculum controversy“. The executive government want to revise the last curriculum ( KTSP ) because there are many weakness of that curriculum. this essay will discuss the excellence and weakness of this new curriculum.
Clearly, the old curriculum has failed to improve both intelligence and character of Indonesia’s young generation. There are many violence, student’s brawls and also sexual bullying. Furthermore, Indonesia’s intelligence is placed at the 69 world ranking ( based on the data in  Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011: The Hidden Crisis, Armed Conflict and Education by UNESCO ). Indonesia is lower than Brunei Darussalam, quoted by :
However, new curriculum is believed that it appear as the answer of young generation’s degradation.  It serves some new models. At first, in elementary school  there are Ten subjects ( religion, civil, Indonesian language, math, science, social, art and culture, exercise, self development and local subject ) then they will be integrated in six subjects ( religion, civil, math, Indonesian language, exercise and art and culture), where science will be integrated with math and Indonesian language, social subject will be integrated with Indonesia and civil. In senior high school also, there is no dichotomy again. Students can study any subject that they like. It’s hoped that education doesn’t stigmatize student’s different qualify anymore, so that the students can recognize each other.
I personally think that, new curriculum is good even though there will be some consequences. There are some subjects that lack of teacher and the other hand there will be some subjects that  surplus of teacher. Because of this, both teacher and student are not balance. However, the last curriculum will jail the students and teacher in the regulation. Because they must follow every stakeholders decision.
In conclusion, both the last and newer have speciality and weakness. Which one is better is still questionable, because the new curriculum  has not implemented yet. So let the government do the best. May it can help Indonesia from bad position.

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