Karen Armstrong, A Freelance Monotheist

            Before defining what “freelance monotheist” is, I would like to tell you little about Karen Armstrong’s spiritual adventure. Well, Karen is a former nun in one of Rome catholic churches in England. In a very young age, 17 years old, Karen decided to be a nun in the church. In contrast to the mainstream at that time when Britons especially in Birmingham were extremely secular, they didn’t care about religion, became materialists and even put money as “god”, Karen sank her life into religious obedience in 14th September 1962. Seven years later, she surprisingly took a decision to stop her carrier as a nun and tried to be a common people. That was because of bad experience in the church, stiff regulation, seniority, and some systems that were not constructive. Moreover, she didn’t find “God” in every liturgy for seven years. Next, she went to Oxford University and took English literature as her discipline. Unfortunately, being academician was not better than being nun; she failed in thesis assignment, fired from campus and got some diseases including epilepsy.
            In short, Karen didn’t believe in god anymore, she thought that religion is a constitution that has been created by human, and the idea of god is only the result of neurosis so called neuro-theology, because she saw what a billion scientists in her environment that didn’t believe in god, on the contrary what a billion people who killed each other in the name of god. Obviously, she assumed that religions are ignorance and problem. But, her live changed when she decided to examine the same thing that exists in every single religion. She observed holy books and she came to the conclusion that every religion pray to one “God” and teach the good things. Karen finally wrote his work in a book entitled “a history of god”. The work of “a history of God” was the starting point she climbed out of the darkness and she returned to be a believer.
            Now, Karen believes in God, she feels closed to god more than she did in the past. But now she doesn’t declare herself as a Muslim, Christian, and Jew or other terms for believer, she becomes a freelance monotheist. “Freelance Monotheist” means a person who believes in god without bounding on specific religion.
                 However, God for those who involve in one religion believed that the only one way to experience the spirituality is by dealing with religious liturgy. For example Muslims believe that the right path to go is Islam. Being Muslims automatically people follow what Allah regulates in holy Qur’an and avoid what Allah forbids to do. As a consequence, Muslim must pray to Allah through the way prophet Muhammad do and instruct in strong Hadist.
            To be frank, I myself don’t have enough knowledge to criticize the idea of freelance monotheist because it deals with philosophical understanding, deep contemplation and complex research. Someone must take a long journey among religious diversity, think out of subjectivity, pray in a way other believer does in order to experience the ecstasy. But religion has been living in my life since I was born in the Islamic traditional environment, so religion cannot be separated from spirituality, because they come together and construct my understandings about God, human and Universe.
            In conclusion, claiming that Karen is right or wrong is not my authority but her work to make world better where people can live together and respect each other in what she call “ global community “ by inviting people building mutual understanding through the “golden rule” should be appreciated.

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