violence On campus

Written by “ Syaddhamhusain “
Discussed in ”MAKES’’ nov 22.2012
            A month ago, I attended a public discussion in “ Rumah kopi “ in Jl. Sultan Alauddin Street ( Makassar,sulsel ). The discussion that was organized By Indonesia’s Youth Axis (PPI : Poros Pemuda Indonesia ) took a theme “ the optimism of indonesia’s generation to glance at indenesia’s future “. It was attended by Ahyar Anwar as a cultural observer, Arkan Azikin as politic observer, Zakir Sabbara as academician and also attended by representatives of some youth organization in Makassar.
            The spokesmen talk about Sequence tragedies in some campuses that killed one student in UMI ( Universitas Muslim Indonesia ) and two students in UNM ( Universitas Negri Makassar ) and also broke many facilitations up. As a cultural observer, Ahyar stated that “ the Violence in campuses transform something terrible, seems like a violence network culture .“ this is really ironic because subject of these  tragedies are those who got science everyday and live in academic environment . whereas campus is a place that full with scientific value, morality, humanity, objectivity, and rationality. Moreover , physical conflict is the act of primitive people. It was specially created for war.
            The student should solve the problem through the objective way, and find he solution b critical and rational thinking. In fact, they can’t do that, as if they are not educated ones. A big question appears “ what is  wrong with our educational development ??? “ many towers and luxurious buildings were built in campuses that spent much budget, but it doesn’t bring our education to be better. Maybe it’s about “ the Character.” Our educational system fails to educate our young generation.
            Many ways that had already taken by the stakeholders. Dropping the students out for instance. All of the students who involve in conflict wil be dropped out and then the problem will be done. Is it True or Not ??? Maybe it precisely increase the problem because the regulation doesn’t touch the substance of problem.


Jew’s cleverness, gift or effort

Jewish tribe is the most clever tribe in the world. Let us see the important things which we use in a modern era are discovered by jew. Black berry as the most famous smart phone by Mike Lazary, Facebook ( Mark  Zackerberg ), Larry pages ( Google ), Lionel Messi as the Great football layer and Albert Einstein ( relativity theory in physic ), etc.
            Obviously, Zionism thinking and action are based on the belief that Israeli are selection people by God. They claimed that there is no other tribe that can equal the jewish tribe, not only in thinking, intelligence and  civilization but also religiousness. Moreover, Al-Qur’an as holy book of muslim justifies jew’s special quality. It is recorded in Al-Baqoroh : 47. “ O children of Israel ! call to mind the ( special ) favor which I bestowed upon you. And that I preferred you to all other ( for my message ).
            However, some scientist state that Jew’s cleverness is not a gift by the God, but it is based on their culture where every pregnant mother plays and listen to music every day. Research proves that some kind of music can influence embriyo’s  condition especially cleverness. In the some way, the pregnant  mothers  eats some foods which contain nutrition in order  that their embryo will be a clever one in the future. In other words, jesws educate their (young) generations start from embryo.
            I personally think that, some jews get a special quality by the god and it supports by daily activity and culture that can improve their cleverness. Some examples above are  piece of people that do exercise to develop their talent. Even though they have a gift by god without any effort to develop it, it will be lose.
            In conclusion, every single tribe or person has potential to be extraordinary. The one who maximize their potential will be the great one.

Rupia's redenomination

Redenomination “, Rp. 1000 vs Rp. 1

            Recently, national hot topic in economic sector is “ redenomonation “. Redenemonation is a regulation to cut three zeroes fom ruphia. For example, Rp. 1000 become Rp. 1, or       Rp. 50.000 become Rp. 50. It is necessary to understand that “ redenomination “ does not change the intrinsic value or value in exchange of ruphia. It means that redenomination only changes the appearence of of ruphia especially for zeroes.
         It has ben claimed that redenomination is only for nothing, because it has no positif effect for indonesias economic condition. It is also claimed that to ommit three zeroes from ruphia in not suitable for indonesia because it was specially taken place for hyperinflation condition, whereas indonesia is still stabil. Moreover, it will spend much budged to implement it, because it needs much expenses to make a new kind of ruphia.
         However, Indonesian Bank governor, Darwin Nasution states that redenomination is really good for indonesia becoause it can symplify accounting system and to improve calculating efficiency. It can help accountants to be more easy in writing of value transaction. For example, when there is a calculation of quintillion ruphias it is really difficult to count and write it. Whereas after redenomination getting easier to write and count. In addition, to rebattle the claim that redenomination was speciaaly taken place for hyperinflation, governor of BI states that it has been wrong preception, becouse to cut three zeroes is suitable for stabil condition, becouse it does not change any market circulation proccess.
         In conclution, redenomination gives more positive effects than the negative ones eventhough it will be a suprising thing for the indonesians. So let the government sicialize it so that the people can understan the redenomination.

On SM-3T Mission Gallery

This gallery shows what did i do at Berau Regency during my mission as a young educator on behalf of Maju Bersama Mencerdaskan Indonesia. I am proud of being a witness of a real Indonesia.
karena pendidikan adalah hak segala bangsa