our democracy

By: Saddam Husain
My Indonesia my democracy

            Indonesia has been independent for 67 years, it means that Indonesia is mature enough to be standing alone in taking care of its own sovereignty. There had been some ideologies that Indonesia ever followed, such as NASAKOM, COMMUNISM and PANCASILA. Indonesia, as well as many of liberal counties in the world follows DEMOCRACY as its form of government. In Soekarno’s regime the form of Government was “Demokrasi Terpimpin”, Soeharto regime was “liberal Democracy” and eventually, after reformation in 1998 the form of government was “Democracy”.
            Democracy in Indonesia is 15 years old, there are many countries in the world stated that Indonesia is one of a big country that success to follow democracy. South Korea and Australia for example, they showed their appreciation for Indonesia as democratic country by saying that they want to study about the implementation of democracy system in BDF (Bali Democracy Forum) in Sanur, Bali (october,2012). Furthermore, the president, Susilo Bambang Yudhiyono was given a democracy Medal and also price by International Association of Political Consultant (IAPC) in 2007.
            According to freedom house (one of international survey association that observes the freedom routinely) Indonesia, a state with majority of inhabitant are Muslim is categorized as freedom country as free as Europe. This achievement is reached by assembling good democracy.

            All of achievements are some things great of us. Nevertheless, democracy brings many damages for the people. Suffer, rebellion, violence and many else that still exist in Indonesia are the effects of democracy. From president election until village apparatus election, the process of democracy causes chaos. Many people feel disappointed with the result, they cannot accept it. They claim that, there are many deceits in election process. For example: the mayoral election in Palopo recently. The citizen burnt some buildings to show their angers and dissatisfactions to the government.
            Perhaps, Indonesia is success to implement Democracy in international view but the reality that citizen feel directly is very contrast. Appreciation, praise, medal, and even success that Indonesia achieved in international perspective are very useless when the Indonesian is still under fear because of democracy. Do we need something different? Everybody can answer it, yes or no!

On SM-3T Mission Gallery

This gallery shows what did i do at Berau Regency during my mission as a young educator on behalf of Maju Bersama Mencerdaskan Indonesia. I am proud of being a witness of a real Indonesia.
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