pluralism and gusdur

Prominent figure series: 1

Gusdur And Pluralism

By: Saddam H.
            One of the most famous figure in Indonesia is Abdul Rahman Wahid (well-known as Gusdur), he was called as father of pluralism in Indonesia. When we listen to his name, of course there will be controversial argument, it’s because Gusdur’s thinking, idea, concept, and statement. Moreover, our understanding about his thinking influences our point of view about him.
            The different view of this 4th president of Indonesia happened not only when he was still alive but also after passed away (posthumous). As a father of pluralism, this biological and ideological son of K.H. A. Wahid Hasyim influences many aspects of life in Indonesia. For example, when he equated Confucious with other religion, and his protection for “ eks– tapol “ civilian ( former communist ) that assumed as a second citizen of Indonesia. In this short essay, let’s see Gusdur in a holistic view, not for his disability just like many people stigmatize his existence as disabled one.
            In term of pluralism, Gusdur had his own concept about it. That was quite different with MUI and other people knew. That was more identical with humanism rather than religious perspective. Firmly, he emphasized the only religion that in the right path is Islam. That’s understandable through three verses that he always used namely Al-baqarah: 256 “ there is no compulsion in religion “, Al-imran:19 “ truly, the religion with Allah is Islam”, and Al-kafiroon:6 “to you be your religion and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism).
            In spite of those, in social context this Islam scholar spent his life with harmonious relationship with different ethnic, religion, race, and cultural society. He taught us that religion and humanity are inseparable things in humans. They must be balance instead dominating each other. When the religion dominates, it will humiliate humanity Like many wars that happened in the name of god. On the other hand, the worst thing will happen when humanity dominates the religion as well.
            In conclusion, by viewing Abd. Rahman Wahid holistically and systematically will be better than stigmatizing him because of our misunderstanding about his teaching and his controversial statements. As a human kind, he must have mistaken but it doesn’t mean that all of his teachings are wrong. Furthermore, it’s very forbidden to prejudge someone else without knowing the real facts. 

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