Florence, a student university of UGM is now becoming notorious because of her case towards offensive posting in Path social media. It started when Florence Sihombing tried to cut a long queue of people buying subsidized fuel in gasoline station. Because of her action, people jeered this law faculty student. After being upset, she vented her frustration by writing “Jogja is poor, stupid, and uncultured. Friends in Jakarta and Bandung don’t stay in Jogja”.  In responds to the posting, a group of Jogja citizens reported to the police so that Flo can be detained. Pro and cont towards this case are increasingly discussed in Indonesia. This paper will argue that Flo’s status is very human therefore it should not be exaggerated.
            It is stated that Flo perpetrates cyber crime by posting such offensive statements on social media that people Angry and unpleased. This is regulated in Indonesia’s law about ITE. Some People insist the law enforcement so that Flo can regret with her act and never do it anymore. Moreover, it will educate people mainly the users of social media to be more careful to post information on social media in the next time.    
            However, some people think that it is too over to respond Flo’s case. It is not necessary to bring this case to the police. It is only common cases that always happen when people are upset then share their feeling via Facebook, twitter or any other media. Moreover, Flo has apologized to all people in order for her to be free. She regrets for her mistaken. Another argument is that Flo is only a victim of government’s regulation to dwindle the supply of subsidized fuel that cause long queue in every station in Indonesia.

            In conclusion, it is true that Flo is so offensive that people are angry but it is not necessary to respond this case over. Meanwhile, there are bigger fishes to fry such us corruption, poverty, and legal system.   

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