Headscarf Prohibition for Policewomen

Headscarf Prohibition for Policewomen

            The regulation of police uniform is debated not only in elite government but also in smallest group of society. This topic becomes interested to discuss because there are many groups which have the strong arguments to argue the policewomen for wearing hirable whereas a part of Indonesia namely Aceh province allowed.
            For very long time we get used to see the policewomen without headscarf to cover their hair although we know that the headscarf is a symbol of Muslim’s group. This is because of the Decree (SK) National Police Chief Pol No.: Skep/702/IX/2005 about police uniform where the police must wear the same one, means that police women is prohibited to wear hijab. This prohibition is believed that policewomen may work effectively and maximally without hijab For example, when a policewoman arranges a traffic jam, she will be more moveable without hijab rather than wearing hijab. Moreover Research shows that all that synthetic covering is not healthy especially in the humid tropics, as the body struggles to maintain homeostasis.
            Comparing to the agree group of banning hijab, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) cited that the 2005 decree is a kind of discrimination for Muslim policewomen group because whether constitution or human right principle allows every citizen to express their faith, opinion, and creation. Human rights campaigners including the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and Impartial have slammed the ban, saying that it violates basic human rights.
            Let’s look at this problem in a bit more detail, in one hand; police institution has given a special regulation for Aceh with the reason that in Aceh province there is a special autonomy given by central government which regulates all women to wear hijab, so there is no reason to prohibit them to wear hijab. On the other hand, the decree of 2005 banned policewomen for wearing hijab is quite implausible because some reasons such as: by wearing hijab, the number of sexual arrestment will be more decreased. And the most important one is hijab is a part of religious obligation for Muslimah, so if the government banns hijab means that government slams the freedom of human rights.

            In conclusion, POLRI institution should consider the best way to solve this problem in order to reduce a number of debates in society so that the bad image of police could be changed. Police should show the justice, no more violence, intimidation, fraudulence, and even the discrimination.    

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