The Next President of Indonesia, Javanese or Non

The Next President of Indonesia, Javanese or Non

            Since 1945 Indonesia has been led by 6 presidents. They are Soekarno, soeharto, B.J. Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati, and the current president is SBY. Five of them are Javanese and one of them is from south Celebes, B.J. Habibie. There is an issue within this racial politic which is spread in the society “ May non Javanese be a president? “. This paper will discuss whether non Javanese can be a president in Indonesia or no.
            Obviously, democratic system applied in Indonesia regulates everyone’s right to be a president as long as he or she is capable. It means that there is no privilege for specific race or nation to be more superior on other, so everyone has equal right in front of the law. Furthermore, there is no prohibition towards election in politics. For example it is lie to say that Javanese cannot chose or elect non Javanese as a president and vice versa because choosing is a fundamental right for everyone in politics. So, just because the biggest population is Javanese does not mean that other people cannot won the election.   
            However, It has been believed that every president election in Indonesia will be won by a candidate from java. It is because of some reasons. The first is a number of the candidates from java are dominant. Let see a previous election when the competitors were dominant from java like SBY, Megawti, and Amien Rais while the non – java candidate is only one, Jusuf Kalla. So the electability for java candidates is bigger than non – java one. And also the upcoming election, there will be some competitors coming from java that quantitatively dominate the competition. The second reason is coming from the voter. The biggest population in Indonesia is Javanese. According to data of census in 2000 by BPS the Javanese reach 41% of total number of population in Indonesia, so it is no wonder if the elected president is Javanese because the voter is tribal mate.   
            Personally, I think that it is true that Indonesia with its political system, democracy, regulates everyone’s right to participate in politics, to elect or to be elected. This is because of one principle of democracy itself namely equal citizenship. Equal citizenship means every citizen has same position, same political right in the system. Otherwise, the reality that the biggest number of population in Indonesia comes from java. It is acceptable in democracy if people choose their family or relative in general election, so Javanese is allowed to choose anyone that she or he wants.     

                   As conclusion, whether Javanese or non Javanese has the same possibility to be elected as a president in Indonesia based on the principle of democracy.

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